Monday, September 13, 2010

In the FACE

Facebook definition from Urban Dictionary: “WARNING: The new addictive drug that has devastatingly hit most colleges, universities, and highschools. The drug causes lasting effects: procrastination, swollen fingers, dropped grades, irritation of the eyes, increased need to add more friends to your friends list, and skipped classes. Be cautious, some think they are immune to the effects of facebook, until they try it and by then its too late. Protect Yourselves.” This describes Facebook to a T, however there is more to it. Facebook can cause concerns to parents, to other users, and to yourself. In the end, it is a public site, and it can be accessed by many different people, such as future employers. Facebook is an easy way for my generation to communicate, and constantly be updated on the daily happenings of our friends lives. Parents even use Facebook now, which is crazy because they used to be too concerned that it corrupted the people who used it or it led to identity theft or kidnappings. Facebook is great, but it is a waste of time.

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