Wednesday, September 1, 2010

essay on "Study Finds Teenagers' Internet Socializing Isn't Such a Bad Thing"

In going through the textbook, looking for an essay to write my own first essay on, this article about social networking jumped out at me. In our world today, where there are risks, and the desire to be social is on the rise, why not discuss such a current issue, spread through the generations. Five years ago Facebook was mostly just college students looking to network with each other and stay in touch after graduation. As the years have gone on, it reached out to high school students, then younger kids, and finally our parents are a part of this social networking community. Who knew? Those very people that used to be afraid of a serial killer finding our link on the web and hunting us down to abduct us from our own home, are now users of our risky network. This article discusses how those fears had no right to be instilled into our parents minds. “Those concerns about predators and stranger danger have been overblown.” (Ms. Ito). Its true, that kids are just using these social sites, Facebook and MySpace, to socialize with their friends, and stay in touch with their circle on a continual basis. I will write about this essay, because I believe this is an important and current issue facing, not only my generation, but most people in our world as well.

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